Reports and Resources


See below our recent reports on climate adaptation. Click the links below to view PDF versions of the reports, one-page infographics summarizing key findings, as well as press releases for each report launch.


Getting Nature Into Financial Reporting: Natural Asset Disclosures for Local Governments

January 2025
Joanna Eyquem
Integrating natural assets – such as wetlands, rivers, forests, and coastal dunes – into financial reporting can help Canadian local governments demonstrate effective management of the financially valuable services these assets provide to communities. The purpose of this guide, developed for the Standards Council of Canada, is to help governments include natural asset disclosures in their financial reports, building on existing relevant international and national guidance and standards. 


October 2024

Caroline Metz, Cheryl Evans, and Dr. Blair Feltmate

This report draws on lessons learned from the Intact Centre’s Home Flood Protection Program and shows how approaches to mobilize flood protection at the residential level may be applied to reduce earthquake risk, for homes in Canada’s major earthquake zones. The report profiles three principal mechanisms that have the potential to motivate protective behavior for earthquakes.

The findings offer practical approaches which may strengthen earthquake risk management and guide homeowners toward greater preparedness.

April 2024

Joanna Eyquem and Mélie Monnerat

The Municipal Flood Risk Check-Up has been developed to support Canadian municipalities in better preparing for heavy rainfall, river, and coastal flooding. It is a self-assessment questionnaire with 50 questions designed to assess potential flood hazards (flood exposure), and implementation of actions to reduce flood risks (flood preparedness).

The new report A Flood Risk Check-Up For Canadian Municipalities: Tackling Flooding Together provides all the background information on our new Municipal Flood Risk Check-Up tool, such as how it was developed, how it is organized, and why it is needed in Canada now.


Wildfire Report cover page

December 2023

Cheryl Evans, Dr. Anabela Bonada, and Dr. Blair Feltmate

This report presents a user-friendly synthesis of best practice guidance developed primarily by the National Research Council Canada, and FireSmartTM Canada, a national program that has been helping communities improve their wildfire resilience for 30 years. Additionally, the report consolidates two plain language, image-based infographics, designed to accelerate implementation of practical actions: Three Steps to a Cost-Effective FireSmart™ Home and Three Features of a Wildfire-Ready Community

July 2023

Kathryn Bakos and Dr. Blair Feltmate

This report presents a practical means to factor climate change and extreme weather risk into institutional investing. Climate Risk Matrices (CRM) offer industry-specific standardization and are a practical tool to prioritize the top means by which climate-related events may negatively impact business continuity, while simultaneously identifying actions investors should expect a company to take to mitigate prioritized risks. Six CRMs are profiled in this report: 1) Electricity Transmission & Distribution, 2) Commercial Real Estate, 3) Banking (Residential Mortgage Providers), 4) Property and Casualty Insurance (Personal Home Insurance), 5) Hydroelectricity Generation, and 6) Wind Electricity Generation.

Watershed Report Cover

April 2023

Joanna Eyquem

The paper recommends 1) development of consistent provincial approaches to integrated watershed management, 2) direction of funding for river flood management to high-risk watersheds and 3) routine consideration of nature-based solutions for river flood and erosion management. Several opportunities for standardization to support these three recommendations are also identified.


Getting Nature on the Balance Sheet: Recognizing the Financial Value Provided by Natural Assets in a Changing Climate

October 2022

Joanna Eyquem, Bailey Church, Roy Brooke and Michelle Molnar

This paper outlines (1) actions that are being taken to manage natural assets in Canada, (2) established methods of valuing the services nature provides, and (3) steps that can be taken to recognize and value the services in public and private sector accounting and decision-making.

April 2022

Joanna Eyquem and Dr. Blair Feltmate

This guide presents a series of practical actions that Canadians can undertake to reduce extreme heat risks. They fall into three categories: Changing behaviour (non-structural), working with nature (green infrastructure), and improving buildings and public infrastructure (grey infrastructure).

Treading Water Report Cover

February 2022

Kathryn Bakos, Dr. Blair Feltmate, Chris Chopik and Cheryl Evans

This study examined whether catastrophic flooding affects Canadian residential real estate (house sold price, days on market, number of listings) and mortgage markets (arrears and deferrals).  The primary audience to which findings of this report bear direct relevance includes homeowners, mortgage providers, municipalities and financial

Wildfire Resilience Checklist

In collaboration with FireSmart™ Canada, the Canadian Home Builders’ Association, and the University of Alberta, the Intact Centre developed the Wildfire Resilience Best-Practice Checklist to encourage the use of wildfire resilience best practices in new home construction, renovations and landscaping to reduce the risk of wildfire property damage in wildland urban interface areas of Canada.


Coastal Flooding Report Cover

December 2021

Joanna Eyquem

This report outlines the range of practical measures that can be used to protect coastal communities on Canada’s East and West coasts from flooding and erosion. Coastal protection measures include (1) Grey Infrastructure (hard, engineered coastal protection measures); and (2) Nature-Based Solutions (measures that depend on, or mimic, natural systems to manage flood and erosion risk).

Climate Change and the Preparedness of 16 Major Canadian Cities to Limit Flood Risk

February 2021

Dr. Blair Feltmate and Marina Moudrak

This report examined the preparedness of 16 major Canadian cites to minimize the negative consequences of current and future floods. It is the intent of this report to provide an informed perspective that will contribute to the alleviation of current and future flood and climate-related risks in Canada.


Climate Risk Matrix Survey Report Cover

December 2020

Natalia Moudrak, Kathryn Bakos, Joanna Eyquem, Hugh O’Reilly, Ashby Monk, Soh Young In

This report that presents results of a global institutional investor survey focused on understanding the methods to assess physical climate risk, the extent of formal training on physical climate risk received by the Boards of Directors, C-Suite officers and portfolio managers, and the utility of Climate Risk Matrices to aid portfolio managers in investment decisions.

Under One Umbrella Report Cover EN

November 2020

Natalia Moudrak and Dr. Blair Feltmate

This report outlines practical approaches to limit flood risk in Canada, summarizing best practices from national guidelines and standards applicable to: Residents, governments, federal government and agencies, architects, developers, home builders, home renovation specialists, insurance brokers, mortgage lenders, mortgage brokers, real estate agents, home inspectors, retailers, landscaping professionals, commercial real estate owners/managers, conservation and watershed authorities, environmental not-for-profit organizations, neighbourhood associations, local community groups, local utility companies, institutional investors, and professional regulatory bodies.

Provincial Report Cover

August 2020

Dr. Blair Feltmate, Marina Moudrak and Kathryn Bakos

This report examined the preparedness of provincial and territorial governments to minimize the negative consequences of current and future floods. It is the intent of this report to provide an informed perspective that will contribute to the alleviation of current and future flood and climate-related risks in Canada.

Factoring Climate Risk into Financial Valuation Report Cover

March 2020

Dr. Blair Feltmate, Natalia Moudrak, Kathryn Bakos and Brian Schofield

This report presents a practical means to factor climate change and extreme weather risk into financial valuation consistent with direction of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and Canada’s Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance (EPSF). This report will help institutional managers to guide investments, securities commissions to assess disclosure, and credit rating agencies to measure risk by incorporating the impacts of climate change into business analysis.


October 2019

Natalia Moudrak and Dr. Blair Feltmate

This report outlines 20 measures that can be implemented by commercial real estate owners and managers to enhance flood-resilience of existing office towers, thereby reducing the potential for property damage, business disruptions and loss of life. Click here for a brochure about the report.


April 2019

Cheryl Evans and Dr. Blair Feltmate

This report outlines the key findings of the Home Flood Protection Program to date regarding practical best practices for basement flood protection educators and residents to reduce their flood risk. Click here for an infographic about the report.

Front page of the report "Weathering the Storm"

January 2019

Natalia Moudrak and Dr. Blair Feltmate

This report outlines a range of solutions that can be deployed practically and cost-effectively within communities to reduce flood risk. It also introduces a new prioritization framework for selecting areas within communities that should be targeted for retrofits. The report will inform the development of a new National Standard of Canada. Click here for an infographic about the report.


November 2018

Dr. Blair Feltmate and Anna Fluder

This report showcases practical actions that communities and organizations (i.e. municipal governments, non-governmental organizations, conservation authorities) could engage to limit flood risk at a local or community scale.

September 2018

Natalia Moudrak and Dr. Blair Feltmate

The key message of the report is Canada cannot afford to lose more natural infrastructure assets, like wetlands and ponds in its overall effort to limit the growing costs of floods, droughts and other natural disasters. Click here for an infographic about the report.

June 2018

Dana Decent and Dr. Blair Feltmate

The report profiles the results of 100 door-to-door interviews with households in flooded communities, identifying health impacts and financial costs such as lost time from work. Click here for an infographic about the report.



Home Flood Protection Program Cover Page of the interim report

November 2017

Dr. Blair Feltmate, Cheryl Evans and Natalia Moudrak

The interim report profiles the fundamental components of the Home Flood Protection Program, and key findings to date regarding the most effective means to engage homeowners in flood protection.

Front Cover of Report "Preventing Disaster Before it Strikes"

September 2017

Natalia Moudrak and Dr. Blair Feltmate

The report outlines 20 best practices to design and build new residential communities that are more flood-resilient.

Wetlands Report Cover

July 2017

Natalia Moudrak, Anne-Marie Hutter, and Dr. Blair Feltmate

The report finds that leaving wetlands in their natural state could reduce the financial costs of flooding by nearly 40 per cent.


Front Cover of Preparedness of Provinces Report

October 2016

Dr. Blair Feltmate and Marina Moudrak

A survey of 103 government representatives across 91 provincial and territorial ministries, departments and agencies between December 2015 and April 2016. Surveys focused on the preparedness of provinces and Yukon to limit flood damage relative to current and future major rainfall events.

Front Cover of CCEMC Report

March 2016

Dr. Blair Feltmate

A report prepared for the Climate Change and Emissions Management Corporation (CCEMC), summarizing outcomes of the Adaptation Leaders’ Round Table Forum held in Edmonton, January 20th.